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- How to Activate Your Continuous Imagination
How to Activate Your Continuous Imagination
Continuous imagination is sufficient for all things, and all my reasonable plans and actions will never make up for my lack of continuous imagination…The Real Man is a Magnificent Imagination.
- Neville Goddard
Exponential effort is unlocked by learning to supercharge your imagination into a continuous and vivid stream of living in the wish fulfilled. Neville’s core teaching is that every person has both the astonishing ability as well as a basic responsibility to lay hold of their own continuous imaginative power in order to unlock the life they wish for.
But, how strong is your imagination to begin with? Unless you are in an explicitly creative field such as design or the arts, few of us claim to be especially imaginative. However, the reality is that every person operates from a stream of imagination, however untested or ill formed.
It’s not that you lack imagination, but that you give up too easily when bringing your imaginings into being. Continuous imagination can be likened to St. Paul’s admonition to “pray without ceasing”. In pragmatic terms, continuous imagination means beginning with the end clearly in mind, and then staying firmly and constantly centered with that end in mind. Neville writes -
Imagination must center itself in some state and view the world from that state. Thinking from the end is an intense perception of the world of fulfilled desire. Thinking from the state desired is creative living. Ignorance of this ability to think from the end is bondage...We must move mentally from thinking of the end to thinking from the end.
Why does Neville distinguish between thinking of something vs. thinking from something?
“Thinking of something” is like a passing thought, along the lines of “wouldn’t it be nice if we could visit Florence”, and vaguely seeing a map of Italy in your imagination.
“Thinking from something” operates on a totally different level of imagination and immersion where - in the full light of your mind’s eye - you and your happy traveling companion are already standing on the balcony of your hotel room in Florence, sipping expressos on a perfect Spring morning, looking out over the tiled city towards the magnificent Duomo where you have a scheduled private tour later in the day.
Hotel Lungarno
In this state, not only do you see the vivid scenery, but your inner voice confirms the vision as you hear yourself exclaim “What an incredible view! Let’s get some breakfast before heading out!” Later in the day, you check the computer and are pleased to see that your various income streams have already paid for the trip many times over. Next, you imagine returning home with many wonderful memories and realizing you are actually wealthier than when you left!
This combination of clear and continuous imagination, combined by your inner voice that describes and confirms the vision of your imagination accelerates your plans and goals in ways that go far beyond ceaseless effort.
Practice making real to yourself the feeling of the wish fulfilled. After you have assumed the feeling of the wish fulfilled, do not close the experience as you would a book, but carry it around like a fragrant odor. Instead of being completely forgotten, let it remain in the atmosphere communicating its influence automatically to your actions and reactions.
Steps to Activate Your Continuous Imagination
Vividly Assume the Wish Fulfilled
Close your eyes and vividly imagine the end state of your desired goal. Use all your senses to make the vision real—what you see, hear, feel, and say to yourself. Imagine already possessing the goal as if it’s part of your life now.
Reinforce with Daily Visualizations
Dedicate 5–10 minutes daily to "live" in your imagined reality. Consistency trains your brain to act from the end state, shifting your actions and decisions in alignment with that vision.
Engage Your Inner Voice
Develop affirmations that confirm your imagined reality. As Neville Goddard emphasizes, your inner conversations must support your vision. For example, replace "I want to achieve this" with "I have already achieved this, and it feels amazing".
Act "As If" Continuously
In your actions and behaviors, align with the identity of the person you imagine yourself to be. This could mean dressing, speaking, and making decisions as though your wish is already fulfilled.
Carry the Feeling Throughout Your Day
Let the feeling of your fulfilled wish infuse your daily actions. Think of it as a "fragrant odor" that lingers and influences your decisions. Keep this emotional resonance alive even amidst challenges.
By generating continuous imagination from the place of your ROCKET Goal achieved - combined with continuous descriptions of those achievements throughout the day, you will quickly learn to unlock the Exponential Effort that speeds you towards success!