Keep Kind Intentions

A Growth Mindset for Quantum Kindness

If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.
- Neils Bohr

Learning to grow and keep kind intentions is not something that we typically receive a lot of training about. Companies may have some basic “sensitivity” training courses, but they are not about kindness per se. Kindness is often brought up in Sunday school sessions or sermons, but generally not in a way that allows for actual practice. How to foster a growth mindset when it comes to kindness?

We’ve written before about “quantum kindness" - a type of kindness that travels through the social network and physical world with an immediacy that can’t be measured in traditional ways. Of course this is a very abstract concept, so here are some specific ways that you can put your growth mindset to work when it comes to kindness.

1. Quantum Kindness Accelerates Multidimensional Progress

Activity: Engage in a "Kindness Mapping" exercise.
On a map or globe, pinpoint your location and then randomly select three other locations across the world.

Action: Commit to performing an act of kindness in your local area (e.g., volunteering, helping a neighbor). For the other three locations, perform a "remote" act of kindness such as donating to a charity based there, sending a supportive message to someone in that region, or spreading awareness about a cause affecting those areas.

Reflection: At the end of the week, reflect on how these acts of kindness might create ripples beyond your immediate environment.

2. Kindness as a Source of Exponential Quantum Energy

Morning Routine: Start each day by writing down one act of kindness you plan to perform and imagine how it will contribute to the collective energy of kindness.

Evening Reflection: Reflect on the kindness you received throughout the day and how it added to your energy. Write these instances down to visually see the growing impact of shared kindness.

3. Quantum Solutions through Kindness

Group Activity: Gather a group for a creative problem-solving session where the only rule is to propose solutions through the lens of kindness (e.g., resolving a conflict, designing a product for social benefit).

Implementation: Choose the most promising kind solution and implement it as a group project. Observe how kindness-led solutions can unfold multiple potential outcomes.

4. Reframing Reality through the Quantum Lens of Kindness

Daily Exercise: Each morning, set an intention to view one challenging situation through the "quantum lens of kindness". Write down the situation and list possible kind perspectives or outcomes.

Evening Review: Revisit your notes and reflect on how viewing the situation through kindness altered your perception and outcome.

5. Quantum Dividends of Kindness

Activity: Initiate a "Kindness Investment" project. Choose a community or a cause where you can contribute kindness (time, resources, skills) over a longer period (e.g., mentoring, regular community service).

Tracking Progress: Keep a journal or blog that tracks the project's progress and the ripple effects observed over time. This can be personal observations or feedback from others involved.

By integrating even just some of these practices into daily life, you can begin to experience how kindness, viewed as a quantum phenomenon, can profoundly affect not just your own life but also the wider world. Each session is designed to make these concepts tangible and actionable, fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to practicing Quantum Kindness.