Remember Your Future Self

Better AND Faster

I am not a speed reader. I am a speed understander.
- Isaac Asimov

Speed of results are at the core of what separates success from failure. As you Remember Your Future Self, be sure to increase the tempo at which you see good things arriving in your life.

Here are some key strategies for accelerating your speed of success.

 1. Mentally Compress Timeframes
- Visualize your future self achieving goals sooner than you originally planned. Imagine that the success you seek is happening now or in the very near future. This shift in mindset creates a sense of urgency and encourages you to act with more intensity and focus, bringing your goals closer to reality.

 2. Cultivate a Sense of Immediate Gratification
 - While delayed gratification is important, also learn to celebrate small wins and positive changes as they happen. By recognizing and appreciating progress in real-time, you train your brain to associate rapid achievements with rewards, which can help maintain motivation and speed up overall progress.

 3. Adopt Rapid Decision-Making
 - Speed up your decision-making process by trusting your instincts and focusing on the essential facts. Instead of overanalyzing, make informed decisions quickly and adjust as you go. This approach allows you to take action sooner, learn from outcomes, and pivot as needed, all of which contribute to faster progress.

 4. Increase Your Action Frequency
 - Raise the tempo of your actions by doing more in less time. Break down your tasks into smaller, manageable pieces, and tackle them with a sense of urgency. The more frequently you take action, the more momentum you build, leading to faster results.

 5. Visualize Success at a Higher Speed
- When imagining your future self, see yourself moving quickly, with confidence and purpose. Picture good things arriving rapidly, almost effortlessly, as a result of your focused actions. This mental imagery helps program your mind to expect and create faster outcomes, aligning your actions with the pace of your vision.

By accelerating the tempo of how you visualize, decide, and act, you'll find that your ROCKET Goals come faster and more frequently, aligning your present actions with the future you want to create.