Truth, Kindness and Possibility

How to Find and Share Deep Kindness

Truth is like the stars; it does not appear except from behind obscurity of the night. Truth is like all beautiful things in the world; it does not disclose its desirability except to those who first feel the influence of falsehood. Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness.

- Kahil Gibran

It's not often that we hear of truth and kindness being linked together, let alone consider that truth might actually be a source of deep kindness, both for yourself and for others.

Of course, there are many truths that are unclear, uncomfortable, or just plain unwelcome. But nonetheless, there they are - waiting to be addressed. Many of these are and small inconvenient truths which may not feel monumental in and of themselves, but taken as a whole, they sap at our strength and conviction for those true things we do in fact hold dear.

Getting clear-eyed and true regarding your actions and results is always the first small step towards progress - and is also a step towards deep kindness. Bringing unwavering truth to your challenges - however big or small,
unlocks the kindness of self-awareness,
inspires the kindness of course correction,
and launches the invigorating kindness of possibility.

So Truth can be a deep kindness, but be sure not to wield truth as a weapon - on yourself or others, for it can become a two-edged sword when mixed with judgement and scorn.

When you begin to see truth as a deep kindness that is teaching you to be content with everyday life, then your willingness to change and adapt will grow exponentially.